March 20, 2023
Enhancing education experiences
An account of giving back

Jody Sarkodee-Adoo, our founder, is an alumnus of Drury University; he graduated in 2003, having studied architecture. The university had been keen to have him attend, and helped make this possible by granting him a scholarship. Ever ready to give back, and with the zeal to produce work of the very highest quality, he eagerly grasped the opportunity to apply his architectural know-how when the need arose at his alma mater.

After pulling down two campus buildings to give way for the Kellogg Green Space, the newly created open area on the Drury campus had to be used wisely. Upon meeting with Drury staff, faculty, alumni and current students, the university Sustainability Council decided to convert the space to a multi-purpose setting for outdoor classrooms, recreation and gardens. The aim was to have students enjoy the outdoors.

Aerial view of an ongoing lecture at the outdoor classroom.

Jody designed the striking outdoor classroom (pictured here). Impossible to miss, the gray-coloured structure welcomes all students to sit and learn outdoors. It’s truly a highlight of the campus. What’s more, the design tastefully incorporates elements from Drury culture: the classroom includes limestone cores from the nearby O’Reilly Family Center and upcycled parapets from Belle Hall, one of the buildings previously located on the space. After several months of planning and designing, the classroom was made ready in the spring of 2012.

More than a decade on, this outdoor classroom is still enjoyed by faculty and students alike. Countless students over the years have had classes here, each fulfilling the original wish of having them experience the outdoors whilst learning, in addition to recreation and during downtime. Ultimately, this is the power of architecture and design: beyond the technical drawings and models, human lives are touched and improved. This desire to change lives through technical expertise is shared strongly by the team at Osini Group, and they strive to do just that for all clients, always.